The Power of Social Media Marketing for Small Businesses
Most of us have a love/hate relationship with social media. Love it or hate it, social media is an integral part of modern life. If you’re a business owner, you need to be on social media. Why? Social media is possibly the most powerful marketing platform for small businesses, giving you access to an unlimited audience at the touch, or tap, of a button.
So, let’s talk about how social media marketing can positively impact your small business.
Brand Visibility
An active social media presence is a simple, inexpensive way to get your business, product or services in front of an audience and to build that all-important brand visibility and awareness. If you show up frequently on social media, your brand will become ingrained on your audience’s mind. When it comes to time to buy a product or service, that audience will remember your brand.
Building Customer Relationships
The thing about social media? Your customers are already on it. Unlike a brick & mortar store, or a website, you don’t need to do anything to convince them to come and join you. Your presence on social media will build on your relationships with your customers and let them in on what’s going on in your business, your latest offers and what you’re working on.
Increase Sales
Showcasing your business on social media allows you to sell directly to your customers, from the comfort of their couch. By demonstrating your products, expertise and services on social media, you will create leads and ultimately, convert those leads to sales.
Low-cost Advertising
Traditional advertising is expensive, very expensive. Online advertising? Affordable, and effective. Social media allows you to create targeted advertising campaigns where you select the budget and the results you want to achieve. It allows you to reach your ideal customer on their phone, with very little effort.
New Customers
Social media opens your business up to the World, literally. It opens your business up to new opportunities. If you have a service, could you deliver it online as a workshop or coaching? If you have a brick & mortar location, could you start to ship your products? Social media marketing is a simple way to reach a wider audience and turn them into customers, and eventually repeat customers.
Drive Traffic to Your Website
Do you already have a website? Social media is an incredibly powerful way to drive traffic to your website. Think of social media as the shop window of your business that will lead your ideal client through the door, or in this case, to your website.
So, now you know why you need social media marketing for your business, are you ready to use it to skyrocket your business growth? If you don’t know where to start, here’s our advice;
Start small. Choose one platform and build on it.
Post consistently. Even if it’s once a week, make a schedule and post consistently to that schedule.
Have fun. Seriously, have fun with it. Social media is an opportunity to show who your business is.
As powerful as social media marketing is, it’s also the most underutilised marketing tool by small businesses. It’s overwhelming, there are other priorities, and it just seems like there is never enough time. At Thrive Social, we are passionate about the power of social media to grow small businesses. Our motto is we help small businesses grow. So if you’re reading this and you really want to utilise social media in your marketing strategy, but you just don’t have the time, let’s chat.